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Simpal Yoga Poses For Weight Losing

30 Simpal Yoga poses for Weight Losing  

Yoga Position for Blessings (Gurprasad)

Sit in a comfortable sitting position, upper arms pressed against rib cage, elbows bent so that hands are at heart level. Cup the hands together, palms facing up. Breathe long and deep. Allow yourself to relax and receive blessings. Continue for 3 -31 minutes.

Breath of Fire

Breath of fire is a strong, quick breath done from the navel point. Consciously pull in the navel while exhaling through the nose, inhaling will happen automaticaly by relaxing the belly. Slowly increase the pace until breathing 2-3 times per second in and out through the nose. Continue for 1-3 minutes. Breath of fire energises and ignites the fire of life.

Yoga for Energy − Archer Pose

Stand comfortably with your right leg forward and your left leg turned out, keeping the body square. Bend the right knee and let your right leg carry your weight. Now make your right hand into a fist with the thumb pointing upwards, stretching the right arm straight out so that the thumbnail is held at eye level. Imagine that you are holding a bow with your right hand, the bow string is pulled back with your left hand and arm. Breathe slowly and deeply whilst concentrating on your imaginary target. Hold the posture for 1-3 minutes each side. (Archer Pose is believed to strengthen and balance the nervous system.)

Simple Yoga to Renew and Rejuvenate

Lie on your back, press your knees to your chest and hold tightly with your arms and hands. Raise your head and bring your nose between the knees. Breathe with a rapid breath through the nose, pulling your navel in with the exhale and pushing out with the inhale. Continue for 1 minute. Relax on back.

To Wake Up

Sit cross-legged with your spine straight and bring your forearms parallel to the ground. Make fists of your hands and stretch your thumb straight up. Make the arms stiff from the shoulders to the tip of the thumb. Shake your whole body vigorously for 3 minutes. The breath is flowing automatically. Keep focus on the tip of the nose.

A yoga exercise to help you find your balance

Stretch your legs out in front of you, supporting yourself with your arms behind you on the floor so that you are steady. Raise your left leg and your right arm at the same time. Then repeat with the opposite pair. Continue for three minutes.

Shoulder rolling for one minute

Release stress. Sit up straight, breathe in deeply and relax. Move your shoulders forward in large circles during a half to a full minute, all the time breathing slowly and deeply. Then roll your shoulders backward for between thirty seconds to a minute, while maintaining the same rhythm of breathing.

Simple Yoga for Renewal

Hold ring and small fingers with thumb, index and middle fingers straight. Arms are straight and parallel from floor, out to the sides with palms forward. Pull shoulders down and neck straight. Begin circling the arms in small circles backwards. Breath is relaxed but deep. Continue for 1-3 minutes with the eyes closed.

Breathing for Being Calm and Conscious

Sit cross-legged or in a chair with a straight spine. Your hands are on your knees, with your arms straight. Breathe long and deep and consciously. Understand the life force which your breath is for your being. Duration: 3 minutes.

Simple Yoga to Refresh Yourself

Sit straight. Create hooks with your hands and then lock them together at chest level. Keep lower arms parallel to ground, twist upper body and head first to the left, then to the right. Inhale as you turn to left, exhale as you turn to right. 1-3 minutes.

Yoga for Purification

Hold hands under your knees and roll onto back keeping the knees straight. Then roll forward bringing your head to your knees. Continue for 2 minutes. Relax.

Yoga for Energy

Stand comfortably and straight with feet slightly apart. Stretch your arms high above your head, preferably touching your ears, and your hands clasped. Inhale through the nose. Keeping your arms stretched up high, hunker down into a squat (crow pose) on the exhale, with your feet firmly on the ground and balanced. Instantly on the inhale come back up to standing with a straight spine and your head upright and facing forward. Breathing strongly through your nose, continue this exercise for 3 minutes and enjoy the new energy that you may gain.

Yoga for Emotional Balance

Sit cross-legged with spine straight. Rest left hand on left knee, with tips of the thumb and index finger touching. Close eyes and block right nostril with right thumb, leaving the rest of the fingers straight up. Inhale deeply through left nostril. When breath is full, extend right pinky over to block left nostril, then release thumb and exhale through right nostril. When breath is completely exhaled, repeat the cycle, inhaling through left nostril only, exhaling through the right. Continue for 11 minutes. Take a few deep breaths and relax.

Partner Exercise to Heal all Life’s Wounds 

Sit down back to back with your (a) partner, pull your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around your legs. Listen to your heartbeat. Imagine that the sun were in your heart, and let its heat and golden light expel all pain and sorrow. Continue with the exercise for 3 minutes, and thank your partner afterwards.

A simple yoga exercise for the immune system

Clasp your hands together on top of your head while sitting on your heels. Rotate your upper body in a circular motion from the waist to the left and right. Continue for three minutes.

Relax in 2 Minutes

Sit cross-legged. Stretch the arms out straight and stiff in front of you, hands in fists, with the palm sides facing down. At the level of your heart center, begin rotating the fists in small circles, the right fist clockwise and the left fist counter clockwise. Keep the elbows straight and fists tight. Move the shoulder blades and the muscles underneath the shoulder area. Continue powerfully for 2 minutes with a long deep breath through the nose.

Easy Yoga to Aid Digestion

Sit on your heels, keeping your spine straight and your head level. Rest your hands on your knees. Breathe slowly and deeply through the nose for 3-11 minutes. This posture is called ‘Vajrasana’ or Rock Pose and is an excellent remedy for relieving the negative effects of overeating or eating too quickly. The ancient yogis believed that you could digest rocks when sitting in this posture.

Yoga to Make You Strong

Sit cross-legged with hands on your knees, keeping your arms straight. Inhale and hold your breath. Flex your spine back and forth as many times as you can before you have to exhale. Inhale and repeat. Continue for 3-4 minutes. Then relax and enjoy.

Easy Yoga for Strength of Spirit

In ancient times people practiced this exercise to raise their spirits. Stand with your feet as wide apart as possible without losing your balance. Keep your arms against your sides and bend the elbows to form a 90-degree angle, forearms parallel to the ground, hands and wrists relaxed. Keeping your feet in place, rotate your hips in a large circle for 1-3 minutes in one direction; then reverse the direction and continue for another 1-3 minutes. Relax.

Simple Yoga for Balancing and Strenghtening the Body

Be on hands and knees. Raise left leg and right arm (keep straight). Hold for 3 minutes. Inhale and raise opposite arm and leg. Hold for 2.5 minutes.

Dance & Relax

Stand up straight, close your eyes and relax. Breathe long and deep, feel every tension in your body and consciously let it go. Sway from side to side, dance and gently move every part of your body. If you have soft, rhythmical music, let it play in the background. Duration: 3-11 minutes.

Breath to Balance the Mind’s Mental Energy

Sit cross-legged with your spine straight. Arms are straight with the sides of the hands resting on the knees. The tips of the forefingers and thumbs are touching, creating a circle, and the other fingers are straight. The eyes are open and gazing straight ahead. Inhale through the nose for 5 seconds. Hold the breath for 10 seconds and then exhale through the nose for 5 seconds. Continue for 3-11 minutes. Focus on the inflow and outflow of the breath.

Yoga for Vitality − Life Nerve Stretch

Sit on a pad or rug, stretching your legs out in front of you. Lean forward to hold onto your big toes, ankles or legs with your hands, so that the legs are straight. As you exhale, stretch forward and down from the pelvis. As you inhale, stretch upright with a straight spine and neck. Continue moving slowly and carefully, practising for 1-3 minutes with a powerful slow breath. (The life nerve ‘sciatic’ is believed to affect your emotional balance, nervous system and digestion. Keeping it flexible is thought to be important for maintaining the strength of these systems.)

Simple Yoga for Stamina 

Sit with your legs crossed and interlace your fingers. Bring your hands above your head and hold them there. Keep your eyes 1/10 open. Inhale long and deep and hold, then exhale and hold. Continue with very long and deep breathing for 3-4 minutes.

Simple Yoga for Longevity

Lie on your back and straighten legs overhead. Hold onto your toes and gently rock on your back. If you can not hold your toes, try the ankles or behind the knees. Synchronise your breath with the movement. Continue for 3 minutes.

Windscreen wiper 

This form of meditation promotes clear consciousness. Sit down with your legs crossed, then raise your hands in front of your face to eye level. Focus on your hands, moving them around in circles in opposite directions. Alternate with first your right hand in the centre, then your left. Continue with the exercise for three to eleven minutes, preferably first thing in the morning.

Simple Yoga for ‘Get Up and Go’

Bundle Roll: Lie on your back, legs together, arms at sides. Flip yourself over from back to stomach and from stomach to back, without bending any part of the body. 3 minutes.

Breathing for Energy

Sit cross-legged or in a chair with a straight spine. Close your left nostril with your left thumb and breathe through your right nostril only. Duration: 3 minutes. Sit cross-legged or in a chair with a straight spine. Close your left nostril with your left thumb and breathe through your right nostril only. Duration: 3 minutes.

Self-confidence (Affirmation)

Sometimes we find ouselves dependent on appraisal and acceptance from others. There is a simple affirmation which brings back our own strength: Press your thumb on the mount below the pinky and close the hand in a fist. Say to yourself before you meet somebody: “I am healthy, I am happy, I am great”.

Yoga Exercise for Strength and Endurance

Sit with spine straight and place your hands on your knees. Keep the elbows straight. Inhale deep and hold the breath. Start flexing your spine back and forth until you cannot hold the breath any longer. Exhale. Inhale and start again. Time: 3-11 Minutes.

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