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Best Green Smoothies Cleanse

What Is Green Smoothie Cleanse? 

The Green Smoothie Cleanse is a ten-day detox/cleanse made up of green leafy veggies, fruit, and water. Green smoothies are filling and healthy, and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them. You can expect to lose some weight, increase your energy levels, reduce your cravings, clear your mind, and improve your digestion and overall health. It is an experience that will change your life if you stick with it!

Most common health improvements Green Smoothie Cleanse:

Weight loss (most lose 10–15 pounds when they stick to the regimen) 
Increased energy 
Mental clarity 
Better sleep 
Reduced cravings 
Better digestion 
Less bloating

Getting Prepared

Are you ready for one of the biggest challenges of your life? The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will challenge you spiritually, mentally, and physically. It will transform your life in so many positive ways. You will learn so much about yourself and your eating habits. You will also learn to have a better relationship with food. The only way to attain a healthy relationship with food is to learn to love it and ensure that the food you put into your body loves you back: it fuels you, nourishes you, and supports your optimal health and vitality. 

During the  Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will give your body healthy, nutrient-rich foods that make you feel alive! Know that there will be times when you feel frustrated or feel like giving up, but if you stick with it, your body will reward you for your efforts. You will be truly amazed at the results! The first four days will be the most challenging part of your experience. As your body adjusts from receiving its calories from whole foods, to the blended, nutrient-rich green smoothies, it will initially crave what you were used to eating. This is normal so allow your body to adjust during the first four days even though you may feel uncomfortable at times. 
After the first few days, your body will become satisfied with the green smoothies and the amazing nutrients in them. You will begin to feel energized and healthy, maybe for the first time in years. Because you are eating only blended foods (green smoothies), raw fruits and vegetables, and raw unsalted nuts and seeds, you digestive system has to do less work. This gives your body a chance to cleanse, heal and do some much needed repair work.

Food for the First Five Days

6 apples 
1 bunch grapes
 20 ounces frozen peaches

20 ounces frozen blueberries 
15 ounces frozen strawberries 
10 ounces frozen mixed berries 
6 ounces of mango chunks 
3 bananas 
1 bunch kale 
20 ounces spinach 
20 ounces spring mix greens Stevia sweetener (packets) Bag of ground flaxseeds (often in vitamin section) 
Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.) 
Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on Detox tea (by Triple Leaf or Yogi brands) 
Sea salt (or any uniodized sea salt) 
OPTIONAL: Non-dairy/plant-based protein powder, such as RAW Protein by Garden of Life or SunWarrior protein

Food for the Last Five Days

20 ounces frozen mango chunks 
20 ounces frozen peaches 
20 ounces frozen pineapple chunks 
10 ounces frozen mixed berries 
6 ounces frozen blueberries 
6 ounces frozen strawberries 
2 apples 
5 bananas 
1 bunch kale 
20 ounces spinach 
20 ounces spring mix greens 
Fruit and veggies of your choice to munch on (such as apples, carrots, celery, etc.) 
Raw or unsalted nuts and seeds to snack on

The Recipes for the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse

Here are the recipes for  of the Green Smoothie Cleanse. You will have all of the ingredients on hand if you made use of the grocery-shopping list . Use one recipe per day, as it will make enough for a full day’s worth of smoothies. Be careful deviating from the recipes too much until after the detox/cleanse. These recipes were designed for detox, weight loss, better energy, and mental clarity. Try to stick to them as much as you can during the detox! You’ll get better results. After the detox, get creative, add variety, and keep losing weight and getting healthy! The unblended ingredients are about 72 ounces. Once blended, they will blend down to about 36 to 48 ounces, depending upon blender size and amount of water. Divide the total amount into thirds and drink each serving three to four hours apart or sip on the smoothie throughout the day whenever you feel hungry.

DAY 1: Berry Green

3 handfuls spinach 
2 cups water 
1 apple, cored, quartered 
1 cup frozen mangos 
1 cup frozen strawberries 
1 handful frozen or fresh seedless grapes 
1 stevia packet (add more to sweeten, if necessary)
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds 

DAY 2: Apple Strawberry

3 handfuls spring mix greens 
2 cups water 1 banana, peeled 
2 apples, cored, quartered 
1 ½ cups frozen strawberries 
2 stevia packets (add more to sweeten, if necessary) 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

DAY 3: Apple Berry

1 handful spring mix greens 
2 handfuls spinach 
2 cups water 
1½ cups frozen blueberries 
1 banana, peeled 
1 apple, cored and quartered 
1 packet stevia 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

DAY 4: Berry Peachy

2 handfuls kale 
1 handful spinach 
2 cups water 
2 apples, cored, quartered 
1½ cups frozen peaches 
1½ cups frozen mixed berries 
2 packets stevia 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds 

DAY 5: Peach Berry Spinach

3 handfuls spinach 
2 cups water 
1 cup frozen peaches 
1 handful fresh or frozen seedless grapes 
1½ cups blueberries 
3 packets stevia to sweeten 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

DAY 6: Pineapple Spinach

2 cups fresh spinach, packed 
1 cup pineapple chunks 
2 cups frozen peaches 
2 bananas, peeled 
1½ packets stevia 
2 cups water 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

Day 7: Pineapple Berry

2 handfuls spring mix greens 
2 handfuls spinach 
1 banana, peeled 
1 ½ cups pineapple chunks

1½ cups frozen mango chunks 
1 cup frozen mixed berries 
3 packets stevia 
2 cups water 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

DAY 8: Spinach Kale Berry

2 handfuls kale 
2 handfuls spinach 
2 cups water 
1 apple, cored, quartered 
1 banana, peeled 
1½ cups frozen blueberries 
2 packets stevia 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds

DAY 9: Apple Mango
3 handfuls spinach 
2 cups water 
1 apple, cored, quartered 
1½ cups mangoes 
2 cups frozen strawberries

1 packet stevia 
2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds


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