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Protein Needs-Our Body

Protein Needs-Our Body

Protein Foods
Protein Foods

Levels of protein consumption currently far exceed offi cial recommendations. Excessive animal, dairy, and egg protein can lead to many problems, from high cholesterol levels to excessive uric acid formation, cancers, calcium loss, and other ailments. We need amino acids (the basic component of all proteins) for growth, repair, and the production of hormones and enzymes. Yet an excess of amino acids forces the elimination of very important trace elements like zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron, and chromium, all of which are vital for emotional and physical well-being. The shedding of calcium, for instance, wears away the nervous system and depletes bone mass. 

If you eat meat and fi sh, then consume no more than about one and a half pounds of fl esh foods per week (approximately three to four ounces per day). For less active or nongrowing bodies, this amount could be reduced by about half. All meat dishes, particularly those containing red meats, increase the likelihood of uric acid forming in the body, causing arthritis, rheumatism, and bowel diseases. Poor digestion of even fresh foods can cause tremendous stagnation and create harmful bacteria and toxins. That being said, however, a balanced intake of protein in some form is essential. A totally vegetarian diet, without due care and attention being paid to alternative protein intake, is just as dangerous as an excess of animal protein. 

Protein Foods
Protein Foods

Lack of protein will produce visible symptoms like allergic sensitivity, bronchial and nasal congestion (lots of clear mucus), tiredness, and cold extremities, among others. These symptoms could continue for as long as one to two years after you change to a better diet. 
The World Health Organization suggests that 4.5 percent of daily calories should be provided by protein. The U.S. Food and Nutrition Board suggests 6 percent. The approximate amount of protein needed for adults is two ounces daily; children require about three ounces daily.

Protein Foods

Protein Foods

Vegetable Protein 

Chlorella and blue-green algae are extremely rich in proteins (higher levels than meat), but spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, lettuce, and pumpkin are also good protein sources. 
In order to obtain the twenty-two amino acids essential for complete protein formation and for adequate body function, use a combination of any grain and seed or legume. These are some ideas for grain and seed or legume combinations:

2 parts rice - plus -1 part broad beans 

2 parts millet- plus- 1 part sprouted alfalfa 

2 parts corn on the cob -plus- 1 part lentil stew

 2 parts barley- plus- 1 part runner beans

2 parts rice plus- 1 part- sesame seeds

Protein Foods
Protein Foods

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