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Chidren Lungsh-How Lungs Develop After Birth

Children Lungs-How  Lungs Develop After Birth

Children Lungs

                      Children Lungs

HE blood flows all through the body, carrying good food to every part. It also gathers up from every part the worn-out matter that can no longer be used. By the time it is ready to be sent back by the veins, the blood is no longer pure and red. It is dull and bluish in color, because it is full of impurities. If you look at the veins in your wrist, you will see that they look blue. 

If all this bad blood goes back to the heart, will the heart have to pump out bad blood next time? No, for the heart has neighbors very near at hand, ready to change the bad blood to pure, red blood again.

Children Lungs
                          Children Lungs

These neighbors are the lungs. They are in the chest on each side of the heart. When you breathe, their little air-cells swell out, or expand, to take in the air. Then they contract again, and the air passes out through your mouth or nose. The lungs must have plenty of fresh air, and plenty of room to work in. 

he lungs, heart, and air-passages. The lungs, heart, and air-passages. 

If your clothes are too tight and the lungs do not have room to expand, they can not take in so much air as they should. Then the blood can not be made pure, and the whole body will suffer. For every good breath of fresh air, the lungs take in, they send out one of impure air.

 In this way, by taking out what is bad, they prepare the blood to go back to
the heart pure and red, and to be pumped out through the body again. 

How the lungs can use the fresh air for doing this good work, you can not yet understand. By and by, when you are older, you will learn more about it.

Children Lungs
                      Children Lungs

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