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Best-Quality Herbs

Best-Quality Herbs

Best-Quality Herbs
Best-Quality Herbs

The best herbs to use for medicinal or culinary purposes are those collected from the wild, in areas where the plant is found growing naturally, away from contaminants. Unfortunately, the colossal increase in demand for herbs has meant that some of the time, they are being collected from unsuitable wild sources, such as roadside verges, and that wild sources are being over plundered. The huge increase in demand and a belated desire for quality have led to an upsurge in organically grown herbs. 

Hundreds upon hundreds of acres of herbs are now being grown in parts of Europe (in particular Germany) and worldwide. Dr. John Christopher was a pioneer on the subject of organics. He insisted upon organic and wild-crafted herbs for medicinal purposes. So much of illness today is based upon allergies to pollution and toxicity levels that we don’t want to add to it. Botanical herbalists know that plants growing in the wild will produce more “primitive” and original chemistry as they fi ght to survive selective pressures, resulting in some aggressive chemical variations. For instance, with the herb cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), which is heavily harvested in the temperate rain forests of North America, demand instigated its cultivation in an area where it grows wild! This effort turned out to be unsuccessful, as the laxative effect of the cultivated variety was shown to be much less potent than that of the wild- harvested bark. 

Best-Quality Herbs
Best-Quality Herbs

However, in April 2002, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed cascara sagrada in CITES (Convention in Trade in Endangered Species) in their Appendix II category. This category houses species that are not threatened with extinction but may become so if international trade is not controlled. The monoculture of herbs will increase over time and, in the long term, could alter the chemistry of plants and eventually may even forever change them genetically. I have no personal answer to this problem, because we have a great need for herbs, we have diminished land, and we do not want to defoliate our wild areas. 

Many native U.S. medicinal plant species are being considered for inclusion into CITES Appendix III (a category which requires the cooperation of other countries to prevent unsustainable or illegal exploitation). These plants include black cohosh, echinacea, and osha (Ligusticum porteri). The question of good-quality herbs was always a vital one to herbalist  Rich in rutin, this tree’s leaves not only help strengthen the walls of the 
 vascular system but, as a strong antiviral, make a wonderful tea for treating fl u, colds, coughs, and more. It is used for the treatment of malaria all over the world.
juniper (various species) 

Best-Quality Herbs
Best-Quality Herbs

Parts used: 
leaf and berry This is another antimicrobial plant with a particular affi nity to the urinary tract. The leaves of this shrub are used; make them up as a tea. A few juniper berries can also be used over a short term.
pine (various species)

Parts used: 
needle and resin As a prime antioxidant, a cup of tea a day made from the needles will keep your body literally “alive.” Pine is also a strong antiviral and anti- infection aid.
ginkgo (ginkgo biloba) 

Part used: 
leaf Favored for its ability to enhance brain and memory functions, ginkgo also has prime immunosupportive chemistry as well as vascular maintenance properties. A simple tea can be made at any time of year from the leaves, but late summer yellow-green ones are the best. 

Best-Quality Herbs
Best-Quality Herbs

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